Monday 25 April 2011

A new venue

Firstly an apology: I forgot to take my camera and notepad so this is a brief update with no pics and not much detail!!
I had hoped to fish at Fairhaven last Wednesday evening but when I got there at 3pm it was full with only one peg left!! My friend was joining me so we had to think of somewhere else to go. After about 10 minutes and about 10 different venues discussed we decided on Martin Hall Farm near Much Hoole. I'd never heard of it but my friend had fished it a lot a few years ago and said there was quite a few barbel and even sturgeon to have a go at!! So I was intrigued with what the day would bring!
There is two lake both are canal style with islands running down the middle the "new" top lake is probably around 13m wide and the old lake around 11m so with me in mind we set up on the old lake. As we walked around there where lots of carp swimming near the top and rustling around the margins.
I set up at 11m with worm on the hook and feed a margin swim. I threw a few floating pellets in to see if any carp fancied eating of the top, they didnt! My friend was quickly into a nice barbel about 3/4lb on paste. I was struggling on my peg and while I had a few small fish wasn't getting anything decent. I tried paste, corn, worm deep, shallow near and far but it wasn't happening for me! A few old chaps started fishing around the corner at 6pm and one started catching decent carp on floating bread so I threw a few pieces in but again just small fish where nibbling at it no big 'uns. We packed up around 9pm my mate finished with 2 carp, 1 barbel a decent skimmer and a few little silvers, I just had a few little roach and rudd.
I was pretty annoyed with myself I hadn't settled into a routine and didn't have a clear plan. I knew how I was going to fish at Fairhaven but just messed around trying all sorts today. I think I need to make a clear plan of attack and stick to it. I was also targeting bigger fish, maybe if I got the small fish feeding first the bigger fish would move in!? Oh well it was a glorious evening and was nice to try somewhere new. I'll certainly be back again this summer and hopefully I'll be a bit more switched on and catch a few more fish!!

Babysitter depending I'm hoping to get out again on Wednesday, fingers crossed for a better session!

The Maggot Dangler.

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